Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Natural Weight Loss

Weight Loss Products
Natural Weight Loss
"..For energy, sleep, and stress concerns, thyroid testing is done.  We use an advanced test including the free T3 and free T4 along with high sensitivity TSH and thyroid antibodies.  Interpretation of thyroid function is never based on laboratory results alone, but in conjunction with patient signs and symptoms –such as basal body temperature.  Thyroid balance is achieved by advanced testing techniques and coupled with individualized patient symptom reviews.  Most persons will require both T3 and T4 for proper function.  These are not found in synthetic thyroid replacement.  For mild symptoms, it may not be necessary to begin hormonal supplementation but to give thyroid nutrients instead.  These include Iodine, selenium and zinc..." Forrest Smith M.D.

Forrest Smith M.D. is a board certified Internist trained at Emory University and Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston.  She has practiced in Roswell, Georgia for 27 years.  Several years ago she began her transition from a traditional allopathic medicine practice to an integrated practice using holistic and alternative techniques.  She has extensive training by the Institute of Functional Medicine, the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine and various seminars for Bio-Identical Hormones and natural thyroid therapies.  In addition, she has trained in anti-aging skincare.  She is Medical Director for the med spa in the clinic.
The name change of the clinic now reflects this expanded scope of practice—Crabapple Integrative and Internal Medicine.  
The clinic has added a Certified Naturopath Nutrition Counselor, Alane Palmer and a Naturopathic Physician, Winston Cardwell ND.  He is also a licensed Acupuncturist and Classical Chinese Medical Practitioner.

1 comment:

  1. i always prefer natural ways to heal my body. And one of the best natural ways to improve thyroid function is by taking bovine thyroid supplements .
